
Friday, October 05, 2007

Facebook | Ryan Alexander Moir's Photos – my little ones

Facebook | Ryan Alexander Moir's Photos – my little ones

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

12 Degrees!!!!

This is a picture off our deck this morning, it is looking at the house across the street, apparently it's haunted.

Today in Calgary it is supposed to be 12 degrees! How nice is that? And to top it all off i have the day off, actually the next three days!! I still have to go to my morning client and to my evening client but the day program that Cody and I work at had a flood in the bathroom the night before last so it's closed so they can fix the damage, and we get our time off paid for! So today I guess we are going to go to some art galleries and I think we may also go to a park and play some bocce ball! Going to be a fun day.

Here is a picture of Cody and I this morning sitting on the deck.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Home for the Holidays!

Well I have made it to Home Sweet Home for the holidays and I am soo happy! I drove home with three other people and that was fun. We left the West on Saturday morning around 11:00am and arrived to the East Coast on Tuesday morning at 6:00am. It would have taken less time but every night it seemed to start storming so we would have to stop for the night, Sunday we had to stop at 7:00pm!
I can't believe how good it is too be home!! Ok that is a lie, I can't definatly believe how good it is! I do love Calgary but this is home, no place is better! I just love seeing my family and my community, everything is so familiar and so great, gotta love home cooked meals too, haha.
Anyway I don't want to bore anyone with my sentimental feelings! If yas miss me you know how to get ahold of me!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Banff Pictures

Eric and I in Lake Louise
Cody, Robbie, and I
Cody and I napping in the car
Lake Louise
Cody on the way to Banff

What a great trip, we went to see the Chucky Danger Band, and my lovely cousin Eric!


This picture was taken on the way to Banff, Cody and I were trying to be as touristy as possible! Nice picture though huh? I should make my own Christmas card!!! haha

So I am pretty slack at writing in this blog, hopefully somehow I will get a laptop for Christmas and then I will get to post all the time.
I am driving home for Christmas with Cody, her brother Ryan, and Tyler who grew up across the street from the Cody and Ryan. We are leaving here the 15th or 16th and then Cody and I are flying back to Calgary on New Year's Eve, we get three New Year's and arrive back to Calgary at 11:06pm....talk about good timing. I am really excited to go home at Christmas and see everyone!

Erin we HAVE to hang out, no exceptions!!!!!!!!

So I am working as a personal care aid, working with seniors and people with disabilites, I love it! I am going to have to open a day program or manor some day!

Well I had better end this post, people I do like comments!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


So I am moving to Calgary today. I am really excited to go because it is something new in a new place and I just want to see what I think of it, BUT I am really sad to go too! Everything is so familiar here, my mom and dad are here and all of my family and friends! I have just been trying to put off my sad feelings but today driving my grandfathers vehicle from dad's house to my mom's and right after having visited grandma it all just kind of hit me!

I will post again from Calgary and I will have to do so much more often!

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Introducing Parker James Richard Curran

Parker is just the cutest little thing! He was born at 5:05pm and weighed 7 lbs 5 ounces. I was at the hospital all day with Cindy and her mother and I got to see the baby first(after Cindy and the doctors.) I was going to be able to go into the operating room while Cindy was having a C-Section but they thought they were going to have to give her a general anesthetic so I didn't end up getting to go in. I had the scrubs on and everything!

Anyway all in all it was quite the experience and I feel blessed that I was able to be there to see this all happen. Both mother and son are happy and healthy so all is good!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Oysters and Kayaking

Well oysters are finished for the spring season. I have to say that it makes me a little sad, I like the oyster season and now I have no idea what to do for the rest of the summer. Hopefully dad will give me some sort of job that I won't hate too much!!

Last Saturday Tara and I went on a kayaking trip down the Bonshaw River. We left late on Saturday and camped along the river Saturday night. Sometimes I think that Tara and I aren't so bright, we camped on a trail(no not a gravel trail, and we didn't really know where we were so we weren't positive it was a trail) and also we didn't have a cover for the mesh tent and of course it started to rain at about 3 am. I thought it was a little funny. Sunday morning we woke up and then all of a sudden there were bikers saying, "Oh, campers on the trail!" haha. After getting all our stuff all packed up we got on our way. We were kayaking for about 5 minutes and we were both complaining because of the heat and the pain in the shoulders! We ended up getting to the canoe and kayak rental place and then calling someone to come pick us up, haha we are slack.
Oh well we had a good time and I am glad that I got to hang with my best friend and go on this little adventure!! I will have to post a picture later on today that shows the nice rain coming in the tent.